SSG Structure

The structure of the Society of Servants of God is based on Scripts received through Revered Dadaji from the Divine Mind.


Bahram Shahmardaan is the Chair of the Council of Senior Servants and the Servant of Servants for the Society of Servants of God, USA.

The Servant of Servants

This is the spiritual head of the Society of Servant of God and must approve the appointment of all members of the SSG or the establishment of any affiliated organizations.

The Council of Senior Servants

The Servant of Servants is advised by the Council of Senior Servants. The Council of Senior Servants may have at least two representatives from each of the countries of India, the United States, Germany and Canada. Each of the current members of the Council of Senior Servants has lived with and studied under the original Servant of Servants, Dr. Dinshah K. Mehta. The Servant of Servants appoints the successor Servant of Servants, who serves as the Deputy Servant of Servants. If the Servant of Servant fails to appoint a Deputy Servant of Servants prior to passing, then it is the task of the Council of Senior Servants to appoint the subsequent Servant of Servants.

The Council of Senior Servants serves as both the Council of Senior Servants for the Society of Servants of God, USA and as the worldwide Council of Senior Servants. Members of the Council of Senior Servants are appointed by the Servant of Servants. There are two approved branches of the Society of Servants of God, one in the USA, and one in India. There is currently no approved Servant of Servants in India. The Society of Servants of God is supported by affiliate organizations in different countries called the “Friends of the Society of Servants of God.”

Branches & Affiliates